Removal of Unwanted Growth
Unwanted growth like warts, moles, skin tags.
Warts – Irregular, dirty-looking growths which can occur on any part of the skin. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are very common in children as well as adults. The lesions are contagious.
Moles– Small dark patches on the skin that form due to collections of pigment cells. They are generally harmless unless you experience a sudden increase in size, shape, or number or bleeding in the mole.
Skin tag– Small, flesh-colored, or brown growths that hang off the skin and look a bit like warts. They are very common and harmless and are essentially just extensions of your normal skin. They are commonly seen over your neck, underarm, inner thighs, etc., and may become irritated from rubbing by clothing or other materials; otherwise, they are painless and inert.
Treatment: Radiofrequency is a very versatile minor dramaturgical procedure for removing warts, moles, and skin tags. It is highly effective in the cutting of skin lesions with adequate hemostasis at the same time.
It is simple and safe. As hemostasis occurs simultaneously, the time required for the procedure and adverse effects are minimal. After the growth has been removed, a raw lesion is left behind which heals like any other burn injury. In about 4-5 days new normal skin forms over the area without any trace of the previously existing growth.